digital ordering system

middlee eastern man in traditional dress enjoying technology on his laptop

Dec 2023: Leveraging Technology for Trust, Convenience, Efficiency, and Profit

Leveraging Tech for Trust, Convenience, Efficiency, and Profit Hi Friend, As the demands on our industry continue to grow, one thing has become abundantly clear… Leveraging Tech for Trust, Convenience, Efficiency, and Profit   Hi Friend, Thank you for your … Read More

A sand conveyor machine during work process

Can Your Customers Order Concrete Online?

Wouldn’t it be nice for your customers to log in and order concrete online? No more emails, phone calls, and confusion. Instant access to their account information, past orders, and quotes for upcoming projects. Bet they would appreciate it. And … Read More

Man and woman packing the products for delivery through customer portal.

Nov 2023: Boost Your Profits with Personalized Portals

Boost Your Profits with Personalized Portals Hi Friend, Did you know? Integrated customer portals can boost sales by over 40%. ???? Here’s how e-commerce leaders take advantage. #EcommerceTips Boost Your Profits with Personalized Portals   Hi Friend,   There’s no … Read More

e-commerce for construction materials

Sept 2023: The E-Commerce Evolution in Construction

Tech Beats Tradition (and we can prove it) Hi Friend, Remember when supplier websites were just digital brochures? More like photo galleries than actual stores. You should see them now. ???? The E-Commerce Evolution in Construction   Hi Friend,   … Read More

asphalt crew paving a highway with a truck, paver, roller and laborers

Take Command of Your Ordering System With GoBuild360

For years, material suppliers have felt handcuffed by software never intended for the construction industry. ERPs are often designed with a “one-size-fits-all” mindset, and many plant batching systems operate in a silo, requiring manual data input to process orders. Customers … Read More


Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf: Find Your Ready-Mix Ordering Match

Choosing the right ready-mix ordering system can be exciting. Imagine no more manual entry, no more faxes, phone calls, back-and-forth emails, and daily chaos. Just think of the hours upon hours of time you’ll save every day. Lower overhead costs, … Read More

Mixer track pouring wet cement to the civil building foundation. Construction workers in the process of forming house concrete slab at the construction site.

Be Future-Proof: Next-Gen Ready-Mix Ordering Systems

Ready-Mix Ordering Systems are playing a pivotal role in modernizing one of the world’s oldest industries. These systems integrate the technology and intelligent solutions most ready-mix producers are already using, ensuring that the production, delivery, and management are in line … Read More


Executive’s Guide to Digital Ready-Mix Ordering Systems

Managing a multi-plant ready-mix operation? Feeling the strain of disjointed systems? You’re not alone. Ready-Mix Ordering Systems may be the solution. By integrating your ERP, batching software, and logistics systems, these ordering systems can turn inefficiency into opportunity. Rather than … Read More

mobile views of delivery management with GoBuild360 ecommerce for construction

Ready-Mix Ordering Systems: Build it Yourself -Or Buy Off-the-Shelf?

If you’re a ready-mix concrete producer, the explosion of digital ordering systems probably has you curious and maybe even a little confused. You know you need to update your systems to stay competitive. But should you build one yourself or … Read More

composable e-commerce software

July 2023: The Cement Industry Levels Up: Embrace Tech, Without the Stress

Why this simple tech could be your best move yet Hi Friend, Here’s something to think about:   Is your current tech stack modern and flexible enough to meet your evolving needs? The Cement Industry Levels Up: Embracing Tech, Without … Read More